Black Window 10 v2 Free Download

Black Window 10 v2 Full Crack

Black Window Enterprise 10 v2
Codename: Maxx Jat

Black Window 10 Enterprise is the first windows based penetration testing distribution with Linux integrated! The system comes activated with a digital license for Windows enterprise! It supports windows apps and Linux apps, GUI and terminal apps! It comes with a tone off hacking tools plus all the tools that are included with the latest release of Cerberus Linux! It has managed to implement Cerberus os within windows. Offers the stability of a windows system and it offers the hacking part with a Cerberus Linux system! You can run both and it just works! Any update for Cerberus Linux will be available from apt update && apt upgrade for the windows user and Linux users!

Tools Preinstalled

(1) Windows:
(2) Armitage
(3) Metasploit
(4) Fuzzbunch
(5) Dandensprits
(6) Ip hiders
(7) Wifi hacking
(8) Crackers
(9) Cypters and Binders
(10) Dork Scanners
(11) Dos+DDoser++Flooders
(12) Forensic Tools
(13) over 100 new KeyLoggers updated
(14) Misc. Web Tools
(15) over 50 new SQL Injection tools updated
(16) over 50 new Network Tools updated
(17) over 100 RAT’ s updated
(18) SMS & Email Bombers
(19) VPNs & Security
(20) Admin Page-Login Page Scanners
(21) Proxy Grabbers
(22) Resolvers
(23) Scripts & Source Codes
(24) Shells
(25) Vulnerable Scanners
(26) Worms, Malware, & Virus Makers
(27) Entire Elcomsoft

If you want to download this Windows, then click on the download below.

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